How to get RSRP for each antenna port?

Hi, how to get RSRP for each antenna port? in 5g, we got four antenna ports, we need each antenna port’s RSRP.
I used “AT+QRSRP”, but it return ERROR, looks like my chipset didn’t support this AT command, here is my chipset version:

Revision: AG550QCNABR03A11M8G_OCPU

Thanks. I appreciate your support.

Hi @Louis.Huang-Q
Please help to check the questions about AG550Q.

Hi @w22740_w22740

Try this one.

Thanks Louis and silvia.
I used AT+QENG=“servingcell”, but it just return one RSRP, i.e. serving cell’s RSRP. I need RSRP for each antenna port, like for LTE MIMO 2x2, two antenna ports, two RSRPs; 5G MIMO 4x4, four antenna ports, four RSRPs.
AT+QRSRP is good for my request, but sadly, my AG550Q doesn’t support this AT command. Is there a way to add this AT command into my AG550Q or other way? thanks.


You can try to connect only one antenna, main or div, either one. And test RSRP for each.
Keep this in mind, diversity and duplexing are consist of MIMO, but they are different concepts.
Btw, as far as I know, AT+QRSRP is not supported by AG550Q.
