How to get api http in quactel?
hello, could you tell us your current module type?
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Hi! My module type Quectel EC600M-CN
@Hayes Could you help me? I need to know how to use http get request in quectel then download a zipfile from the link
(post deleted by author)
The only guide document that I use for HTTP is from this link quectel (request - HTTP Client - QuecPython)
However, I want to download the zipfile from a direct link. When I use the code from the example code in Quectel, the error is like this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/”, line 3, in
File “”, line 303, in get
File “”, line 284, in request
NotImplementedError: Redirects not yet supported
Could you help me to solve this problem? I need to download zipfile from direct link, please. @Hayes