How to Geeting start to make tcp to uart in quectel open cpu

Hi All,

Let mebto introduce myself, Im an engineer focusing in electricity metering system, usualy im using local media communication like rs232/rs485, LAN, FibreOptic.
Now, we have plan to explore more for telemetering, by using quectel opencpu module.

And i plan to starting learning with tcp to uart apllication.

Im newbie, and have no experiance before.

Please advice, where should i start now…
Currenty i have minipci evb ec25e in my hand.


Hi Tommykh,

I’m glad that you choose quectel modules, and we quectelers would do our best to help you solve your problem!

Here I offer you a general idea. There’re examples related to uart and tcp respectively in our SDK, you can see it under the path “…/ql-ol-sdk/ql-ol/extsdk/example/”. So I think you should first try to do some debugs with uart example, you can jump to tcp example next if uart is totally ok. Things would be easy if you’re familiar with both uart and tcp examples.

Hi Tommykh,

I’m so sorry that I can’t offer you the SDK.
If you need the SDK of corresponding module, you can:

  1. Consult our local FAE colleagues based in your city.
  2. Visit our website to get technical support

Best regards!