How to enable BIP and SEND SHORT MESSAGE SAT on EC600M?

Hi there,

Could you help us to know how to enable BIP or SEND SMS SAT on EC600M?

We are using EC600M with the following ATI output which does not support BIP and SEND SMS STK while the terminal profile provided by the module set BIP and SEND SMS supported.
[2023-04-07 11:29:14.772]

Revision: EC600MCNLAR06A04M08


We try to enable BIP with AT command [AT+QCFG=“bip/auth”,1] but got error.

[2023-04-07 11:57:24.930]



Is the problem solved? I think the software version is not the latest, it may be because the version is too old, you can try to upgrade the software.

Unfortunately, not yet.

May I know which URL and how could I get and update the latest software version?

please privode your e-mail ,I will send the new firmware version for you.thanks.

It has been sent by email. I hope it will be helpful to you. Thank you.

I have not received the mail, could you help to send it again? thanks.

The email has been resent. This says it was sent. If you haven’t received it, please contact me at another email address.

Hi Anna,

Thanks very much, I have received the mail and attachment.

But I would like to know the user guide about firmware upgrade, could you provide me the infromation.

Many thanks in advance.

hi knightxp,
Does the user guide you want refer to the upgrade tool? Is the upgrade tool you use Qfalsh?

I have updated the firmware successfully; however, unfortunately the issue is still existing.