let me know where can i get this version.
I need an upgrade for my device
I have sent it to your email,pls check,and I hope you can click the for me,thx
Thank you for providing the previous firmware (Version: EC21AUFAR02A04M4G). Could I kindly ask if you could also provide the EC21AUFAR08Axxxx version (or the latest version) of the firmware? Thank you for your assistance.
Please help me and offer FW (Reversion: EC21AUXGAR08A07M1G_01.201.01.201 ), thank you a lot.
this is the latest one
I understand that EC21AUXGAR08A07M1G_01.201.01.201 is the latest version. However, I currently do not have this latest one (firmware).
Would you please provide it to me? Thank you.
Currently, my firmware version is EC21AUFAR02A04M4G.
I have sent them to your email,pls check,and I hope you can click the for me,thx
Hi i also have an ec21 module a whole bunch. could you pm me the firmware also? its grgrepairs@outlook.com.Many thanks
Please provide your current firmware version
EC21AFAR05A06M4G is my current version
Forgot to mention its an EC21-A model
I have sent it to your email,pls check