How to disable MIMO of LTE-A EM06

In order to carry out 4G speed tests to determine what MIMO technology really brings, I would like to know if it is possible to deactivate it on my LTE-A EM06 modem, because if I understood correctly, it is enabled by default.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.


Remove the diversity antenna “D”.

Hi, thanks for your answer, but where/how ??

I don’t know what your antenna setup is.

I expect you’ve got two cellular antennas connected to your EM06. One will be connected to the main “M” antenna socket on the EM06, and the other one connected to the diversity socket “D”.

If you unscrew or otherwise disconnect one them, the modem won’t work if you disconnected antenna M. If you disconnect antenna D the modem will work, but lack MIMO.

Oh yes, good idea, I’ll try that. But is there a way to check if MIMO is active/inactive via software (like with AT command)?

What does AT+QRSRP return?

‘DGBus.Error:…MobileEquipment.Unknown: Unknown error’

I can’t think of another way to get a signal level on the diversity antenna for an EM06.

In any case, I’m sceptical that a usable signal there shown that MIMO is active.