How to determine if SIM credit has expired EG21G

I am trying to determine via AT codes if the SIM I am using has credit. I have tried the usual AT commands and it indicates that the module EG21G is connected to the Telstra network returning: +QNWINFO: “FDD LTE”,“50501”,“LTE BAND 7”,2950, +CREG: 0,1 +CGREG: 0,1. Currently the only way I have discovered is to try to send an SMS and get a CMS Error 350 after time out

Are there faster ways to determine if the SIM has credit or it is expired?

Thank you


If the SIM card is expired, CREG will return 0,3,or show LIMSRV according to AT+QENG=“SERVINGCELL”

Thank you for the reply, I don’t believe the SIM card is expired, just run out of credit. It registers on the network but won’t send SMS as expected, I then recharged SIM and SMS sends ok. See below

So still keen to get a better way than sending a SMS and checking for +CMS ERROR: 350
But perhaps that is as good as it gets.

(10:31:09.146) OK
(10:32:03.098) at+qeng=“servingcell”
(10:32:03.252) +QENG: “servingcell”,“NOCONN”,“LTE”,“FDD”,505,01,8911A2A,10,450,1,3,3,3045,-101,-10,-74,1,-
(10:32:03.252) OK
(10:32:55.838) at+qnwinfo
(10:32:55.995) +QNWINFO: “FDD LTE”,“50501”,“LTE BAND 1”,450
(10:32:55.995) OK
(10:33:09.664) at+creg?
(10:33:09.839) +CREG: 0,1
(10:33:09.839) OK
(10:33:26.122) at+cgreg?
(10:33:26.299) +CGREG: 0,1
(10:33:26.299) OK
(10:44:53.575) AT+CSMS=1
(10:44:53.782) +CSMS: 1,1,1
(10:44:53.782) OK
(10:44:55.277) at+cgreg?
(10:44:55.483) +CGREG: 0,1
(10:44:55.483) OK
(10:44:57.749) AT+CMGF=1
(10:44:57.976) OK
(10:45:00.671) at+cgreg?
(10:45:00.898) +CGREG: 0,1
(10:45:00.898) OK
(10:45:03.164) AT+CMGS=“+61XXXXXXXXX”
(10:45:03.388) >
(10:45:13.570) test
(10:45:23.772) test
(10:45:30.944) testtest
(10:48:44.922) +CMS ERROR: 350
Recharged SIM
(11:11:46.869) AT+CMGS=“+61XXXXXXXXX”
(11:11:47.113) >
(11:11:54.556) 1A
(11:12:01.660) +CMGS: 33,“24/05/30,11:12:02+40”
(11:12:01.660) OK