How to deal with "MMS Busy" Error when sending MMS with EC25-AF?

How to deal with “MMS Busy” Error when sending MMS with EC25-AF?

Is there a way to clear this error without having to hard restart the device?

Hello Knodi
If you do not restart the device after MMS sending fail, you can deactivate the PDP context by AT+QIDEACT command and re-activate it by AT+QIACT command, then send the MMS message again. If not work, i think you can capture the abnormal log then email, we will handle it asap, thank you.

Thank you. I’ll try that.

I tried deactivate the PDP and reactivating PDP but MMS busy error did not clear. I was able to use AT+QPOWD=0 to power down the modem and wait for restart to clear the error. I contacted Quectel support i’m awaiting their reply.

I tried email the support email for the last month but they’re not answering me. What can I do to resolve this error?