How to Auto Reconnect in Openwrt RM520N

I have a RM520N-GL connected via the usb to a WG3526. Randomly within the day, i get disconnects from the network and it doesn’t reconnect automatically. I have to restart router everytime.

Is there a way for the module to auto reconnect without the need of restarting the router? I tried using watchcat to restart interface but the problem is module is not connected to network, i have to restart usb adapter.

Next week i will use mini x86 pc to convert router. I hope not to see same happening

You can try ECM mode.

What mode is the modem in now? AT+QCFG="usbnet" should return either:

0 QMI mode
1 ECM mode
2 MBIM mode

To change to ECM mode:


Replace in 1 the command with 0 for QMI mode or 2 for MBIM mode.

In ECM mode, the modem itself does the connection monitoring and makes any necessary reconnection.

Ok i will try running in ecm mode. I have installed needed cdc drivers and now running dhcp ecm mode on openwrt. Hope problem will solve.

So far no hickups with ecm mode x86 setup