How Switch from opencpu to At mode

Hello, i working with m66 module and yesterday i use Qnavigator and every thing work well and i could send and read sms,but today i work with open cpu mode and i dont know why cant send and read message in Qnavigator,i think atmode dont work completely,please give me your suggestions
I have mistake? How can switch to at mode and disable open cpu ???

When module turn on i receive URC such az”Rill is ready””gsm network statuse:2””simcard statuse:1” and etc

Configure the enable of application. /
The possible values are ‘APP_DISABLE’ and ‘APP_ENABLE’, and the /
default value is ‘APP_ENABLE’. /
APP_ENABLE: the application will work after downloading into module
APP_DISABLE:the application will not work after downloading.In this
case, the module still work as a STANDARD module. /
static const ST_AppEnable appEnableCfg = {

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I try again and know my message send with delay about minute that Qnavigator show me fail send sms but a few minute later i receive sms with one deference that’s capital letters…
What’s problem??
I send hello but receive HELLO after 1-2 minute