How does RM520N-CN support safety shutdown within 1 second?

We are evaluating Quectel RM520N-CN to design into our device for 5G NR connectivity.

We have to confirm the module is always shutdown and won’t be bricked in any use cases. In the technical documents, we found the approaches below to shutdown the module, however, we have to make sure the shutdown process will be completed within 1s and as soon as possible even though our device with a super capacity to avoid the power cut off. How do we design the shutdown flow within 1s for the module by GPIOs or AT commands to avoid bricking the module?

  1. Pull the GPIO full_card_power_off# to low
  2. Send the AT command AT+QPOWD=0


Dear @ChrisHuang
For normal power down, it has the time of unregistering network, it seems it can’t meet your requirement which 1s to shutdown. For full_card_power_off# , you can follow the timing in HD document.

Uderstood. Thanks for the reply.