How can i start M60 programming with Elcipse opencpu

I am beginner here and just setup all environment in eclipse. now i dont know how can start with programming. i found main. c file in OpenCPU_SDK>Custom>main.c. which is have some pre code of example.

can any one have dome code any application like gps, Gpio

Dear Mohit
thanks for your query.
please find the below link to download the user guide for eclipse.

thanks for valuable information. But still i have a question where can i write my program ?in main.c of OPEN_CPU_SDK?

can i delete all code in main.c and write my own code?

Dear Mohit ,

you are write your programm in main.c but at same time you can add other .c and .h file in SDK or in Custom folder .

Please refer the attached document for creating project .

I hope , this will resolve all your queries , If links are not working don’t worry about them you can create your own project by following the document itself .

OCPU_Proejct_creation.pdf (1.1 MB)

thanks for big support