How can I enable, insert all info, including certificates and make it work properly?

Hello Everybody, (Including the moderators and staff @Duncan.Xu-Q @herbert.pan-Q @Puck-Q @Jason.Sun @Niki.Liu-Q @robertlong-Q @Grey.Tu-Q @Jonas.Ding-Q @Kerr.Yang-Q @Janus.Li-Q )

How can I enable, insert all info, including certificates, and make it work properly?
I tried to follow the documentation, but I got totally lost…
Someone can guide-me like a “Tutorial” (for dummies), with step by step, in the order?
I’ll be quite grateful for any help that can be provided. :slight_smile:
My device is: EP06-E mPCIe

Thank you everyone in beforehand.

@lyman-Q add lyman to help support this issue,thanks

@Niki.Liu-Q thanks for indicate @lyman-Q
I hope that I can have the help that I need.
Have a great day :slight_smile:

[Sammy] Could you tell me which detail info/protocol and certification you want to enable? Generally,you may need send AT commands to configure some protocols like TCP/UDP/PPP etc.

Hello @sammy-Q
Xtra files for GNSS system is something quite difficult to put inside the module.
Maybe, if it will not interfere on the Quectel strategy, could be a good idea to merge standalone QCOM with QNavigator, and improving graphical interface, and for who likes or needs QCOM traditional view, could be “QCOM Command only” tab or View…
Thank you so much for trying to help me :slight_smile:

Xtra files for GNSS system is something quite difficult to put inside the module.—Actually, it’s not diffiicult, I think we could support you remotely for how to upload files into module, please let me know when you are available today, thanks!

Hello, I’m available now, so, please give me the instructions
Thank you beforehand

I replied by email, please check,thanks!

@sammy-Q Hello, is done already