Help needed to bringup of EC25-E MINIPCIE (EC25EFA) modem with RockPi4 on Android 11


I am trying to bring up EC25-E MINIPCIE (EC25EFA) modem on Rockpi4 Board. I am using USB interface.
Rockpi4 is running Android 11.

Will EC25-E MINIPCIE (EC25EFA) work with Android 11?

Can you please let me know the steps to be followed to get 4G mobile data, call and SMS operational on Rockpi4 with EC25-E MINIPCIE (EC25EFA) modem?

but I can’t find any RIL driver to start with.please share driver and any latest Documentation for Quectel EC25-E MINIPCIE (EC25EFA) Please let me know which version to use.

Also please point me to the right version of documents, porting guide etc to follow to get EC25-E working with Rockpi4 on Android 11.

Sandeep bhuyan

Hi @sandeepbhuyan
I have helped you adjust the attribution section, and there will be technical support colleagues to help you answer the questions.

ok thanks @lyman-Q ,appreciate