HELP @M66 compiler setup

I got this problem while setting up, i am using eclipse-cpp-kepler-SR2-win32-x86_64 edition and installed arm-2012.09-63-arm-none-eabi
as per this document suggests "Rev. OpenCPU_GCC_Eclipse_User_Guide_V1.0_Preliminary"
done setup correctly. whenever i tried to build it show nothing to build as per configuration. In settings also it shows empty tool list.

kindly help me to get out of this.

with thanks and regards,
Anto Jslin Jijo

just added other pics

Could you please tell me the version of the SDK and the software version of your module?
If you want to install the GCC environment, refer to the following document.Quectel_OpenCPU_GCC_Installation_Guide_V1.1.pdf (700.6 KB)