Hi, we tested the RedBean (new version with improved filtering) together with a Quectel BG96 celluar
modem for simutaneous emissions according §15.209.
RedBean is operated at Channel 11 (2462 MHz) and the BG96 with GSM 1900 on 1880 MHz. Now there is
a emission at 582 MHz (2462 MHz - 1880 MHz = 582 MHz) looking exactly like a 802.11b signal 3.5 dB
beyond the limit. Any suggestions?
Plots are available, but uploading into the ticket failed.
Hi wwadepohl,
You can follow these steps to check:
- Check different WIFI and LTE channels.
- Check whether filter or switch is used on WIFI and LTE RF trace, and bypass them if used.
- Change the WIFI antenna and LTE antenna and retest again.
- Whether to add a shield cover to the WIFI area, and whether the WIFI antenna and LTE antenna are too close.
- Try to reduce WIFI and LTE TX power.
Thanks !