GNSS with EM060K-GL help with GPS conversion

I receive the following results from QGPS Commands. These are different commands in the same location.

+QGPSGNMEA: $GPGGA,182307.00,5240.687177,N,00225.086914,W,1,04,1.5,142.9,M,47.22

+QGPSLOC: 182408.00,5240.6872N,00225.0869W,1.3,143.0,3,176.2,0.0,0.0,160124,9

According to google the location is : 52.677898,-2.4189391

How do I covert Quectel GPS to Google map latitude and longitude please?

According to the GNSS manual this is the format below.

0 , format: ddmm.mmmm N/S,dddmm.mmmm E/W

Apologies if this has already been covered, I’m new to working with GPS.

thank you

Is it Android?
For Android, you need the Quectel GPS driver for Android.

Normally we would read the nmea uart port to read the gnss locaion continously.