GNSS module L26-m33 output data rate config

Good afternoon, I’m developing a project and I need to measure the vehicle’s speed (I’m getting it through the GPVTG message), I’m using the L26-m33 module, which comes by default with a refresh rate of 1 Hz, I need to increase this rate update. Is it possible to do this configuration in this module? if possible how can I do using the UART interface. (In the datasheet I saw information that it can be increased to 10 Hz, but I didn’t find how to perform this configuration).

Hi @Estagiarios_ENG3 ,

You can configure the output frequency to 10Hz with commands below: (Please note: if the
output rate is 10 Hz, the baud rate should be 57600 bps or higher.)

$PMTK251,115200*1F // set baudrate to 115200
$PMTK220,100*2F // set outputfrequency to 10 Hz

Detialed information can be found in the protocol specification attached.

Best regards

Quectel_Lx0&Lx6&LC86L&LG77L_GNSS_Protocol_Specification_V2.1 (1).pdf (525.1 KB)

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Dear Sir,
And it’s recommended to disable unnecessary messages such as GSV or increase baud rate to avoid data loss caused by UART overload.

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