Getting to update HTTP to websocket

I’m using EC20 module for 4g connectivity. Trying to establish WebSocket connection. after updating HTPP with WebSocket I’m getting this error.

18:38:25.783 → Sending command: AT+QIOPEN=1,0,“TCP”,“”,88,0,2
18:38:31.776 → EC20 Response: AT+QIOPEN=1,0,“TCP”,“”,88,0,2
18:38:31.776 → CONNECT
18:38:31.776 →
18:38:35.758 → Sending command: AT+QISEND=160
18:38:37.760 → EC20 Response: HTTP/1.1 404 WebSocket Upgrade Failure
18:38:37.760 → Content-Type: text/html
18:38:37.760 → Server: TooTallNate Java-WebSocket
18:38:37.760 → Content-Length: 77
18:38:37.760 →
18:38:37.760 →

404 WebSocket Upgrade Failure

18:38:37.806 → Sending command: GET /ws HTTP/1.1
18:38:37.806 → Host:
18:38:37.806 → Upgrade: websocket
18:38:37.806 → Connection: Upgrade
18:38:37.806 → Sec-WebSocket-Key: x3JJHMbDL1EzLkh9GBhXDw==
18:38:37.806 → Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
18:38:37.806 →
18:38:37.806 →
18:38:40.819 → EC20 Response: HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake
18:38:40.819 → Connection: Upgrade
18:38:40.819 → Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:08:38 GMT
18:38:40.819 → Sec-WebSocket-Accept: HSmrc0sMlYUkAGmm5OPpG2HaGWk=
18:38:40.819 → Server: TooTallNate Java-WebSocket
18:38:40.819 → Upgrade: websocket
18:38:40.819 →
18:38:40.819 →
18:38:40.819 → NO CARRIER
18:38:40.819 →
18:38:40.819 → Sending command: AT+QISEND=132
18:38:42.833 → EC20 Response: AT+QISEND=132
18:38:42.833 → ERROR

I’m using non secure WebSocket connection. Waiting for your suggestions.

Hi @Swapnil_Bagul
According to your description, I suspect that the server is disconnected because the HTTP group package format does not meet the requirements of the server. You can capture a wireshark log on the server side and compare whether the sent and received data are consistent and meet the requirements of the server.