FW Upgrade on Windows 10 of EC25AU GC to R06A03M1G Fails

Trying to upgrade. Have tried two different windows computers.
Both fail on Qflash 6.8 with FAIL, DL_Firehose, Time out.

I do see in device manager:
Quectel USB AT Port (COM9)
DM POrt (Com6)
NMEA Port (Com8)

I am using Com6 in QFlash.

Please help.

Hi @bigalnz
Can you tell me which version you upgraded from?

I managed to upgrade with qfirehose.

But now I need to know if there is a way to get dhcp without killing my wifi connection?

The sixfab instructions get me to use udhcpc but that doesn’t allow wireless to keep going.

Am I better with ecm mode?
