Full band scan network quality


Currently I am working on an EP06-E modue connected via USB on linux. I want to do full network scan, to where I scan on different LTE bands the signal strength and quality (RSRP and RSRQ). This is because I have a SIM card that can access any 4G network. I tried to find the correct AT commands for this, however I found only the AT+QENG=“neighbourcell” and “servingcell”. Furthermore with AT+COPS=? I can see what networks are available but not the quality of these networks.

I tried with MBIM cli and QMI cli tools to communicate with the modem as well. Most promising command was with MBIM CLI:

sudo mbimcli -p -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --query-visible-providers               
	Provider [0]:
		    Provider ID: '20416'
		  Provider name: 'T-Mobile-NL'
		          State: 'preferred, visible, registered'
		 Cellular class: 'gsm'
		           RSSI: '99'
		     Error rate: '99'
	Provider [1]:
		    Provider ID: '20404'
		  Provider name: 'vodafone NL'
		          State: 'visible'
		 Cellular class: 'gsm'
		           RSSI: '99'
		     Error rate: '99'

However I still miss the frequency input. Now I am not familiar with this topic to much, so I have some troubles understanding these principles. I saw that in Android phones you can do exactly what I want namely: NetworkScanRequest  |  Android Developers .

After some debugging I even found a radio log, which shows exactly this:

logcat_text_threadtime05-04 15:27:15.921  1228  1409 D RILJ    : [UNSL]< RIL_UNSOL_NETWORK_SCAN_RESULT {
scanStatus=1, scanError=0, networkInfos=
CellInfoLte:{	mRegistered=YES 
					CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=373 mPci=229 mTac=12 mEarfcn=6400 mBands=[] mBandwidth=0 mMcc=262 mMnc=01 mAlphaLong=Telekom.de mAlphaShort=TDG mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} 
					CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-69 rsrp=-94 rsrq=-7 rssnr=8 cqi=0 ta=0 level=3 parametersUseForLevel=1 
					android.telephony.CellConfigLte :{ isEndcAvailable = false }
	CellInfoLte:{	mRegistered=NO 
					CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=162 mPci=325 mTac=30 mEarfcn=6200 mBands=[] mBandwidth=0 mMcc=262 mMnc=03 mAlphaLong=o2 - de mAlphaShort=o2 - de mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} 
					CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-73 rsrp=-100 rsrq=-10 rssnr=2 cqi=0 ta=0 level=2 parametersUseForLevel=1 
					android.telephony.CellConfigLte :{ isEndcAvailable = false }
	CellInfoLte:{	mRegistered=NO 
					CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=133 mPci=319 mTac=42 mEarfcn=6300 mBands=[] mBandwidth=0 mMcc=262 mMnc=02 mAlphaLong=vodafone.de mAlphaShort=vodafone.de mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} 
					CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-75 rsrp=-98 rsrq=-6 rssnr=9 cqi=0 ta=0 level=2 parametersUseForLevel=1 
					android.telephony.CellConfigLte :{ isEndcAvailable = false }

Note that on android this scan can be done in the background, while still being connected and exchange packets (it does not stall the device!)

The question is: Is it possible to scan in the same manner as android can do with the current EP06-E modem? and if it is how would I do this?

If this is not possible, does Quectel have modems that can do this?

Kind regards,
John Hendriks

Sorry, AT present, on non-Android system, the module can only query information quality information such as RSRP at neighbourcell neighbourhoods around the module through AT+QENG= “Neighbourcell” command. There is no better solution at present. Or you can insert the SIM card into the mobile phone and download any network app to query the surrounding community information and signal strength and other information, hope to help you, thank you.