FTPS configuration error

For connecting to FTPS server ,Facing issue while QFTPOPEN AT command, It echo our command back to us with OK, but after that dosnt proceed, give Error. Excepted response is “OK” and “QFTPOPEN: 0,0” which is not given by after above mention command.

could you pleasse tell us the module type and FW verision

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Hello ,

We are facing an issue to login FTPS server by using the EC20 module : EC20CEFILG-128-SGNS , We are following all AT command sequences as mentioned in the datasheet EC2x&EG9x&EM05 FTP(S) AT Commands Manual, and EC2x&EG9x&EM05 SSL AT Commands Manual, we using Host link with Port 21 and SSLversion:3, SECLVL:1 or 2, cifersuite: 0xffff, We using STM32IDE 1.8 version for Embedded C, so please suggest correct method to login to FTPS server by using all AT commands sequentially.
I am attaching my implemented AT command sequence and output of it.