Ftp server codes

Hello friends.

I’m having trouble getting a deep understanding of the ftp server codes and haven’t found any references. Is there a reference that explains the function of the respective functions and the role of each input?
For example FTP_Callback_OnUpDown(), RIL_FTP_QFTPPUT() and etc.

Thanks in advance.

Hello Tahereh,
Can you tell me which module and SDK you are using? Can you share more info about your issue so that we can more convenient help you.

I use MC60 module. I want to first understand the exact meaning and how the functions related to FTP server work and then use these functions to add some functionality.
For example, I need to make sure that the file is correctly and completely uploaded to the server. Although the FTP_Callback_OnUpDown function is used for this purpose in Quectel’s example, I noticed during the tests that seeing a success message when executing this function does not necessarily mean that the file has been uploaded.
For example, in one case, the target folder was write-protected on the ftp server and the location file could not be saved in the folder. While the debug message in this function showed “succeed in uploading …” and some other things like that.
Therefore, I need to have a reference so that I can understand the details and how the functions related to the FTP server work and then change them according to my needs.