I am M66FB04 module for out IoT project. We have to communicate with the server using HTTP. We are facing problems with AT+QHTTPPOST, the command times out in most cases or responses very late ( sometimes over 120s). During this period, the module is unresponsive to any new commands sent to the module. Sometimes we are getting CME Error: HTTP socket connect error. My primary issue is that handling of AT commands and responses is becoming deterministic. For example, when the module is not responding for quite some time, we are rebooting the module. Sometimes this cycle goes on for 5-6 times till we can connect and post to the server, which is affecting our promised data transmission rate. This issue isn’t due to network fluctuations, as the same module responds quite well when we are testing out with TCP.
How can we handle this case? Our use case is to push data via HTTP POST to 2 IP addresses every 10s. We