Firmware & Windows Driver RM530N-GL

Does anyone have the latest firmware and the newest Windows X64 driver for the RM530N-GL module? Thank you in advance.

Please try the Quectel NDIS driver.

The driver can be installed on Windows 11, but unfortunately crashes during heavy uploads. The network card disappears and reappears after a few seconds. Consequently, it is unusable in this state. It’s not due to the USB power supply; I’ve already tried USB 3.1 and USB4 ports. The card crashes every time during high upload.

Waht if the driver is not loaded?
Please check the

How the modem is connected with the Windows?

The module is directly connected to an M.2 to USB 3 board, so there is no additional PCIe to USB bridge in between.

What exactly does “not loaded” mean? When I uninstall the drivers, Windows can’t use default drivers, so the network card is not visible. I can only test the command again later. I’ll provide feedback on which output the command yields.

I also guess it’s a hardware reason. If it is just a USB dongle, it is likely that the power supply is not enough.

I have a RM530N module with a USB dongle for it.
Could you please send me the Windows driver for it and could you please send me the newest Quectel Manager for Linux too?

Thank you,

Why should this be a power supply issue? A download at around 800Mbit/s works fine, and the adapter not only has data/power supply via one USB 3.0 port but also an additional USB port for extra power supply. The module doesn’t crash during downloads, only during uploads.

Command brings an “Error”.

When I use ‘AT+QCFG=?’, only the following options are output:

+QCFG: “rrc”,(0-5)
+QCFG: “hsdpacat”,(6,8,10-24)
+QCFG: “hsupacat”,(5,6)
+QCFG: “pdp/duplicatechk”,(0,1)
+QCFG: “risignaltype”,(“respective”,“physical”)
+QCFG: “lte/bandprior”,(1-43),(1-43),(1-43),(1-43),(1-43)
+QCFG: “volte_disable”,(0,1)
+QCFG: “diversity/config”,(4,6),(1-4),(0)
+QCFG: “div_test_mode”,(0,1)
+QCFG: “usbspeed”,(“20”,“311”,“312”)
+QCFG: “data_interface”,(0,1),(0,1)
+QCFG: “pcie/mode”,(0,1)
+QCFG: “wifi/model”,(“wcn6856”,“fc64e”,“fc06e”,“fc06e-33”,“fc60e”,“fc08e”,“qfw61 14”,“qfw6124”)
+QCFG: “pcie_mbim”,(0,1)
+QCFG: “sms_control”,(0,1),(0,1)
+QCFG: “call_control”,(0,1),(0,1)
+QCFG: “usb/maxpower”,(0-900)
+QCFG: “efratctl”,(0,1)
+QCFG: “gatewayset”,(0,1)[,]
+QCFG: “netmaskset”,(0,1)[,]
+QCFG: “clat”,(0,1),(0,1),,(0,32,40,48,56,64,96),,(0,1),(0,1,2,4,8 ),(0,1),(0,1),(0,1,2),(0,1,2)
+QCFG: “usage/apmem”
+QCFG: “enable_gea1”[,(0,1)]
+QCFG: “dhcppktfltr”,(0,1)
+QCFG: “uart”,(0,1),(0,1)
+QCFG: “mmwave”,ant_chip,ant_type,panel_value,hwid_value
+QCFG: “rollback”,(0,1)