Firmware request for RM520 on AT&T Revision RM520NGLAAR01A07M4G

Hello, AT&T has approved firmware revision “RM520NGLAAR01A07M4G” for module RM520 to be used on its network. Can I please receive a copy?

Your current module version, you can use AT+QGMR query, need to see whether your module and the corresponding version match.

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The response for AT+QGMR is:


The firmware has been sent to you through chat, please check.

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I’d also like the firmware upgrade. RM520N-GL
Thank You!

Your current module version, you can use AT+QGMR query, need to see whether your module and the corresponding version match.

Could you also send me the latest RM520N-GL firmware? AT+QGMR returns: RM520NGLAAR01A06M4G_01.200.01.200. My email is Thanks!

@aarioch The firmware has been sent to you, please note to check

@Alpha The firmware has been sent to you, please note to check

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I also need the new firmware as well for this modem current fw is RM520NGLAAR01A06M4G

Dear @Coldcell
I have sent it to you via Message, please check.

Ok got thanks! Will update the modem.


Can you please send A07 to me as well? Thank you

@soulnull The firmware has been sent to you, please note to check.

Hello, Can you please send firmware “RM520NGLAAR01A07M4G” to…Thanks

@rlynema The new firmware has been sent to you, please note to check.

Can You send new firmware for me please?

@KillMistr What firmware version do you need? Please use AT+QGMR to check the specific version number and send it to me. I will give you the matching version.

I need RM520NGLAAR01A07M4G, Now i’m using RM520NGLAAR01A06M4G_01.200.01.200

@KillMistr The new firmware has been sent to you, please check.