Firmware request for LC29HBA

Dear Quectel staff please provide me with the latest firmware for:


The device is not behaving according to the documentation and I would like to first install a new firmware (or re-install the original in case it is the latest) as a step in the troubleshooting.


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Hi, I am waiting and kind of stuck here for a firmware upgrade.
What do I need to do to get the firmware for LC29H(BA) ?

current firmware:

When I execute for example:
it responds:

When I try tyo set it in base mode:

It crashes (reboots) bringing the following:

F1: 0000 0000
V0: 0000 0000 [0001]
00: 0000 0000
U0: 0000 0001 [0000]
T0: 0000 00B2
Leaving the BROM

bootloader start!
rising freq to 384m level pass!
hf_fsys_ck freq=383821
hf_fsfc_ck freq=96019
info_type:0x1, record_data:0x400ffe0, record_len:2
info_type:0x1, info->is_init:0
Found, partition_type:10
fota_multi_info_start_addr_get() info_type:1 addr:0x26f000 storage_type:0
Found, partition_type:10
fota_multi_info_start_addr_get() info_type:2 addr:0x26f100 storage_type:0
info_type:0x1 start_addr:0x26f000 last_record_addr:0x26f000 data_num:0 history_record_count:0
Found, partition_type:10
fota_multi_info_start_addr_get() info_type:1 addr:0x26f000 storage_type:0
Found, partition_type:10
fota_multi_info_start_addr_get() info_type:2 addr:0x26f100 storage_type:0
ret:0, record_data:0xff 0xff
FOTA state: 0x1
info_type:0x2, record_data:0x400ffb4, record_len:2
info_type:0x2, info->is_init:0
Found, partition_type:10
fota_multi_info_start_addr_get() info_type:2 addr:0x26f100 storage_type:0
Found, partition_type:10
fota_multi_info_start_addr_get() info_type:4 addr:0x26f180 storage_type:0
info_type:0x2 start_addr:0x26f100 last_record_addr:0x26f100 data_num:0 history_record_count:0
Found, partition_type:10
fota_multi_info_start_addr_get() info_type:2 addr:0x26f100 storage_type:0
Found, partition_type:10
fota_multi_info_start_addr_get() info_type:4 addr:0x26f180 storage_type:0
ret:0, record_data:0xff 0xff
upgrade_flag :0
Partition(0) 0x8013000
Jump to addr 0x8013000


Hi Michele_Laghi

  1. LC29H(BA) does not support $PQTMCFGRCVRMODE and $PQTMCFGSVIN commands.
  2. I will send you the latest version and protocol document of LC29HBA via Message.
  3. What application do you use the LC29HBA_CSA4 module for?
  4. If you must use the survey-in function, it is recommended that you use the LC29HDA or LC29HEA module.

Thank you for the response and the firmware. I will try the upgrade of the firmware soon.
Actually I ordered an LC29H(EA) but I got an LC29H(BA) so I now wanted to explore the possibilities.
The use-case is a classical base station / rover application. The intention was to replace the current devices with the LC29HBA, if possible both for the rover and for the base station. For the base station I would not need survey-in since I use a fixed reference but for the rover I would need a rate of 1 Hz and from what I understood I would need an LC29H(EA) for that.

Thank you for the clarification. I now upgraded successfully the firmware. You say that $PQTMCFGSVIN is not supported by BA in which case I suspect I can not even use fixed mode, so does it mean I can not use the BA as a base station at all ? Or are there other commands which I can use to pass the position of the antenna for base mode ?

Ciao Michele, usa questo manuale , forse è compatibile anche con il tuo modulo…
Se l’esito è AG3335A,

$PAIR024*3C   Query the chip version.
$PAIR020*38   Query the firmware release information 
$PAIR021*39   Query the customer related settings
$PAIR863,0,0*37    Query the bitmask applied

dovrai impostare la base con i comandi

$PAIR604,1,0,x,y,z*<Checksum>  in ecef
$PAIR604,1,1,La,Lo,H*<Checksum>  in WGS84, (Lat,Lon,Height)


mentre puoi disabilitare output nmea e abilitare RTCM ,
Pair commands manual

Grazie mille, sei stato utilissimo. Adesso produce solo messaggi RTCM3.0, stasera proverò a vedere se riesco a alimentarne un NTRIP caster e vedrò se il mio rover li riceve e processa correttamente.

Ecco ieri sono riuscito ad usarlo come base e mi sembra che funzioni bene.
Quello che ho trovato strano è che esecutando:


mi da:
ovvero combinazione di bits che non ho trovato sul manuale.

Ho provato poi ad usarlo come rover ma non riceve le correzioni o per lo meno non va mai in rtk fix e nemmeno in rtk floating.

Sono stato un po’ troppo impaziente, adesso ho riprovato ed ottengo anche un RTK FIX

Meno male…non dimenticare che LC29H-BA è dotato anche di un sensore inerziale DR (dead reconing).$PAIR863,3839*1A è diversa da 1791 di default su -EA ma entrambe fuori dai limiti della somma bit_mask; ho trovato anche 239 su alcuni moduli per base,37 per nmea+ comandi in e out.