Firmware Request for L89HA-S90 (L89HANR01A04S)

I need the new firware for L89HA module. Does it support 10Hz refresh rate?

Hi Vipin_Ranka,

I will send you the latest L89HA firmware via message.
You can set 10Hz fix rate by sending $PAIR050,100*22

Best regards.

Thanks @Raphael-Q . It successfully worked. Can you please share the new command set for the same?. I have an outdated one.

Hi Vipin_Ranka,

Sure. I will share you the latest Protocol Specification.

Best regards.

I also have same requirements, please provide me firmware and protocol specifications for 10hz refresh rate

Hi Suryaiyer13,

I will send the latest L89HA firmware to you via message.

Set 10hz refresh rate:
$PAIR050,100*22 → set fix rate to 10hz

$PAIR513*3D → save parameter

Best regards.