Firmware for NR500-EA

Dear @ashok_patel_kalol
RG500UEAABxCOMSLICv3.2.2543.12.18 is not quectel’s firmware version, please share the correct one.
Or you can contact with your provider, they know the detailed version.

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This router yara ordered from China and it has old firmware when it posted its photos. My friend ordered a new one it came with new firmware but the company is not giving me new firmware if you have this number please give me the firmware so that I can update my router

this is my friend router firmware

i want this firmware i have upload this image and solve my problem

Dear @ashok_patel_kalol
Sorry about this, without the firmware version, I don’t know which you use.
If use the wrong firmware to upgrade, the device will be broken.

You can also ask the company if there is OTA to upgrade firmware.


Do you have the latest firmware for this modem?

Dear @Romer_Villareal
I have sent to your mail, please check.


Thanks I received your email. Just a question, my modem has dual sim in it, does this firmware supports dual sim?


Dear @Romer_Villareal
It supports DSSS.

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I bought this 5G box and am now looking for the latest firmware. Is installed


Is this the latest or where can I get the current firmware?



Can someone send me the latest firmware too please :slight_smile:

Dear @JoeBlack
RG500UEAABxCOMSLICv3.4.2731.16.43 is not quectel’s firmware version, please share the correct one.

Otherwise, I don’t know which one.

Dear @Antoine_RIGOT
Please share your current firmware version.

This is what the Box show me

So i hope it is from Quectel


I think it’s a Tuoshi NR500 EA.
Another user has the same problem and I read that you had the right firmware.
Can you please help me too?

Silvia, thank you for your help

Current version : v3.2.2475.10.04

i also have this : RG500UEAABR02A01M2G

Dear @JoeBlack
I have sent to your email, please check.

Dear @Antoine_RIGOT
I have sent to your email, please check.

Thank you very much Silvia.
Now I have to see how to update this router.
Do I have to search for a specific file or just the md5sums file and everything else runs automatically.
I have to look at it now.