Firmware for modem EG915U-EU


What is the latest firmware for the EG915U-EU?
I have modules with EG915UEUABR02A05M08 and EG915UEUABR02A04M08
Please send new firmware to

I have sent it to you

How to update via the FOTA tool ?
The uploaded file is too large. The available space in the modem is:

[2024-02-02 14:03:18:341_R:] AT+QFLDS=“UFS”
[2024-02-02 14:03:18:341_R:] +QFLDS: 1409356,1497356

and the uploaded file is 6287360 bytes

There is no other way to connect the modem. The modem is in a device without a USB port.

Please send the EG915UEUABR02A05M08 and EG915UEUABR02A04M08 firmware in order to use DFOTA