Firmware for EG915N EU


What is the latest firmware for the EG915N EU?

Currently we are testing a modem with EG915NEUAGR03A07M16 . Is there a newer firmware? If there is, please send me a message with the download link.

Thank you

I have sent it to your email,please check

Received. Thank you.


We have a few devices with EG915N , they are using a SIM with roaming an connect through the DPD context.
That SIM can work with different network carriers. The problem is that it starts with one carrier and without changing location nor having bad signal switches to another carrier. That closses the connection and forces our device to reconnect. It happens every few minutes. It makes an +QIURC: “pdpdeact”

Forcing a carrier manually with at+cops makes the device to stop switching carriers but it’s not a desired solution. It’s there a way to solve this with automatic cops?

Thank you

I suggest that you can send heartbeat packets to maintain the network connection

Hello, i need the latest firmware too!

Apparently the version that was sent to me has no md5.txt file in it.

rock@radxa-zero:~/QFirehose_Linux_Android_V1.4.9$ sudo ./QFirehose -f /home/rock/EG915NEUAGR03A09M16_01.200.01.200/EG915NEUAGR03A09M16_16M/
[000.000]: Version: QFirehose_Linux_Android_V1.4.9
[000.000]: Builded: Jan 25 2023 14:17:49
***[000.001]: Cann't find md5.txt in /home/rock/EG915NEUAGR03A09M16_01.200.01.200/EG915NEUAGR03A09M16_16M, Please check it!***
[000.001]: qfirehose.c main 307 fail

Note that even when ignoring this… i still get errors

rock@radxa-zero:~/QFirehose_Linux_Android_V1.4.9$ sudo ./QFirehose -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -n -f /home/rock/EG915NEUAGR03A09M16_01.200.01.200/ -l .
[000.000]: Version: QFirehose_Linux_Android_V1.4.9
[000.000]: Builded: Jan 25 2023 14:17:49
[000.000]: upgrade log will be sync to ./qfirehose_1674654387.log
[000.000]: qfirehose.c system_ready 137 fail
[000.000]: qfirehose.c main 313 fail```