Firmware for EG18-EA

In any case the sequence for restore the old firmware is here:

To restore version A08 on the Zyxel, follow these steps:

  1. Upload the zip file (e.g., through the firmware update menu, like a regular update. Wait approximately 15 minutes to ensure the file is fully uploaded.

  2. Connect to the modem via SSH and access the console using the root user.

  3. Enter the command: microcom /dev/ttyUSB3 or microcom /dev/ttyUSB2 depending on the router model.

  4. Type the command: AT+QFLST=“*”. This should display the list of images to be flashed. For the Zyxel, the response should be: +QFLST=“UFS :”,42726481

  5. Enter the command: AT+QFOTADL=“/cache/ufs/” to start writing the image to the flash.

  6. The modem will display a sequence like “UPDATING, 10----40—” until reaching 100%. Once complete, the LTE module will restart.

  7. Wait for 20 seconds and enter the command: ATI. This should display the firmware version installed on the LTE module for Zyxel, like EG18EAPAR01A08M4G.

Restart the router to complete the operation.