Firmware for EC25-EUX and issue with repetitively 'AT' seen in /dev/ttyUSB2

Hello, I have alot of EC25-EUX modems, for which I need the latest firmware. The current one I have installed is:EC25EUXGAR08A15M1G_20.200.20.200
Can I have the latest version send to my mail please (even if it is the same as mine).
I am having strange issues with all my modems, where sometimes /dev/ttyUSB2 starts to print “AT” command non-stop and /dev/ttyUSB3 is the only interface I can send commands to. No restart or reset fixes this. But sometimes it does get “fixed”.
My mail is

Is it Ubuntu OS? Have you disabled the ModemManager.

I’ve sent the latest firmware. But as I guess it has nothing to do with the firmeware.

It is Ubuntu 18.04 without ModemManager. I guess there is nothing to do with the firmware, but that’s the one thing I haven’t tried. As of now, I use only /dev/ttyUSB3 instead of /dev/ttyUSB2 as I have before. Any idea what may code such behavior ?

First, you can check whether there is any program that open the ttyUSB port.

lsof | grep ttyUSB

If you think it is only ttyUSB working maybe you can check

ls /dev/ttyUSB* -la

I guess that the /dev/ttyUSB2 is a regular file but not a char device file any more.