FCM360W: SSL certificate upload failed (SSL MQTT connection problem)


I have a problem in FCM360W Wi-Fi module to establish SSL MQTT connection. I can’t to upload any SSL certificates to UFS like CA,KEY,USER also even I can’t to delete that certificate file stored in UFS system. That Quarry command response also return error. Please help to resolve this issue. Thanks in Advance.

[2024-01-31_18:24:05:607]+QSTASTAT: "WLAN_CONNECTED"
[2024-01-31_18:24:06:322]+QSTASTAT: "GOT_IP"

[2024-01-31_18:24:10:135]+QGETIP: "","","",""


[2024-01-31_18:24:12:611]+QGETIP: "2401:4900:6332:CBE6:E608:E7FF:FE1D:50C7","FE80::404:3FF:FE74:EEEE","FE80::E608:E7FF:FE1D:50C7","2401:4900:6332:CBE6::7A"

[2024-01-31_18:24:12:642]+QGETIP: "","","",""










Hi ,

I found that cause of SSL certificate upload problem in UFS system . Because I was used that AT commands are maybe old or else .That FCM360W modem have different AT commands for UFS system ,I found that new AT commands manual after that successfully uploaded certificate files.

But that MQTT connection was not established . I have an a error on QMTCONN. In that modem QMTOPEN response was fine .But when I config “AT+QMTCFG=“ssl”,0,1,2” that QMTOPEN response is also return -1(Failed execution) .And one more I facing error response for “AT+QSSLCFG=“ciphersuite”,2,0xFFFF”

I attached AT command log below.

Modem Version:+QVERSION: FCM360WAAR01A03

Before config “AT+QMTCFG=“ssl”,0,1,2”








[2024-02-02_17:05:42:112]+QMTOPEN: 0,0

[2024-02-02_17:05:47:412]+QMTCONN: 0,2

[2024-02-02_17:05:47:412]+QMTSTAT: 0,1

After config “AT+QMTCFG=“ssl”,0,1,2”








[2024-02-02_17:06:38:204]+QMTOPEN: 0,-1


[2024-02-02_17:17:54:832]+QVERSION: FCM360WAAR01A03

Please help to resolve this issue .Thanks in advance.


hi @UdhayaKumar_Mani
Please try following

1- Set “seclevel” to 1 and try connecting MQTT with SSL. again.
2- In case you require to set “seclevel” to 2 , upload clientcert and clientkey as well.


Hi @Waleed_Zafar1

it’s not worked , see that log below

Then why I can’t to set ciphersuite as 0xFFFF ?








[2024-02-05_09:35:45:360]+QMTOPEN: 0,-1


[2024-02-05_09:35:51:925]+QMTOPEN: 0,-1


Hi @Waleed_Zafar1

I was checked too many times with license file Write and verify with READ command also but still SSL connection was not established. As you said seclevel as 1 also didn’t work .

Is this is the latest firmware in the module. I was recently updated the modem firmware but the firmware version is not changed. But my TCP and without SSL MQTT connection was established when I flashed you given program.

Please support to resolve this.


hi @UdhayaKumar_Mani
Is it convinient for you to send your " cacert.pem " file to me , I will try to Connect mqtt with your server.


Hi @Waleed_Zafar1

No, There is no possible to share server details.

Is there any testing SSL server in yours side.

or can you send overall MQTT SSL connection debug log


hi @UdhayaKumar_Mani
Check te logs

MQTT+SSL.txt (3.1 KB)


Hi @Waleed_Zafar1

Thanks for your support finally we did it. We find that problem in that topic.

Problem: We need to SSL config certificate path that is we miss it. Even that is not available in datasheet and example also.


[2024-02-07_11:19:41:073]+QFOPEN: 1


[2024-02-07_11:19:44:252]+QFWRITE: 1314,1314



[2024-02-07_11:19:53:671]+QFOPEN: 1


[2024-02-07_11:19:57:536]+QFWRITE: 1036,1036



[2024-02-07_11:20:06:095]+QFOPEN: 1


[2024-02-07_11:20:10:357]+QFWRITE: 1692,1692












[2024-02-07_11:20:39:408]+QMTOPEN: 0,0

[2024-02-07_11:20:41:386]+QMTCONN: 0,0,0

[2024-02-07_11:20:45:921]+QMTSUB: 0,1,0,0,0


[2024-02-07_11:20:53:056]+QMTPUB: 0,0,0

Quectel_FCM360W_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.0.0_Preliminary_20231114.pdf (1.4 MB)

Thanks for your valuable support @Waleed_Zafar1 :slight_smile:
