FC41D QuecOpen Quick Start Guide file issue

Hi Guys,

When i read FC41D QuecOpen Quick Start Guide version 1.0.0 Date : 2023-05-25 status : preliminary. I found some tutorial that provided by Quectell which contain a lot of tools and in chapter 3.2 i am noticed that i need to have All-permissions-FC41D directory and another tools. My Questions is where i can get those files?

Best Regards
Aziz Faozi

Hi aziz,

Pls share your email and I will share it with you

Already sent by email

Can you also send those files to me on my email id - sam.parab@spaelectrics.com.au Thanks

Hi Sam
I have shared a drive link to requested documents with SDK on your email.
Please check and post here if you find any difficulty.


Can i get a mail?

Hi Please share FC41D OpenCpu sdk to

hi @MrRyzz @amar_axr
SDK link has been shared on your email addresses .


Thanks a lot, Received :dizzy:


I also need the FC41D module SDK. I have the module but I can’t work with it. I opened a topic on the forum but unfortunately no one answered.

Could you please send it to me? @Waleed_Zafar1

mail : fgokcegoz@gmail.com

Thank you.