Failed to upgrade RM520N-GL DL_FireHose Timeout

I am trying to upgrade the firmware to RM520NGLAAR01A07M4G_01.202.01.202. But it always failed with message " DL_Firehouse , Timeout" .

I am running Qflash 6.4 as local admin, DM Port as the com port for upgrade.
Any idea why?

Also, can I use FOTA to upgrade RM520N?

Dear @Ray_Anton
Did you try the baudrate with 460800 and 961200?

I did. same result. but I was able to upgrade via QFirehose on linux . just not from QFLASH.

May be I’m writing in wrong place, but I have the same problem FAIL, Firehose, Timeout!. Has anybody found what is wrong? Are there any other way update FW?
I will be appreciated for any reply.

Dear @petruchoo
Which version did you use?

I am using following



Looking forward to your reply.

Dear @petruchoo
It is strange.
Please follow the guide below and try again.

  1. The tool path and firmware path cannot have Chinese characters, spaces, or parentheses. It is best to place them on the local D, E, or F drive
  2. The module needs to be upgraded again and needs to be powered off and restarted
    3.During the upgrade process, other serial port tools or services accessing the serial port cannot be turned on.

Hi Silvia,
Thank you for reply.
I have tried everything, still ending up with the same fault.
Could you send fresh firmware please?

Dear @petruchoo
What is your current firmware?

Hi Silvia,

Thank you, I have upgraded with QFIL.