Fail to Connect using CA BG95 + QNavigator


I’m right now facing some problems trying to use both HTTPS and MQTT with AT+Commands and QNavigator. What is the problem? Well, in both cases, when I set AT+QSSLCFG=“seclevel”,1,0 I succesfully have a connection. In HTTPS, I can sucessfully use a AT+QHTTPGET, and in MQTT, i can succesfully use AT+QSSLOPEN or AT+QMTOPEN.

When I set AT+QSSLCFG=“seclevel”,1,1 the problem starts. I’ve uploaded the CA certificate, used the command AT+QSSLCFG=“cacert”,1,“cacert.pem”. But when I try a GET (in HTTPS case) or a SSLOPEN I always receive the 550 error (Unkown Error). In MTOPEN case, I receive the -1 error.

I’ve tried lot of diferent things to upload the CA certificate, using \n, \r, \r\n on bytestream end, but it didn’t work. So, my questions are, what is the correct way to upload the certificates to UFS with QNavigator (or there is another way to do it)? The 550 error (unkown error) is related to the certificate?

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  1. Based on the description , This problem is probably still about certificates.

pls validate your certificate at PC with the below tools first .

  1. Since Qnavigator has not been updated for a long time , pls use Qcom tools and download it
    from below link:

Ok, I will check my certificates.

I didn’ find the QCOM tool on the given link.