FAIL, Error ROM 4, 0x10000000

Hi, I had problem while programming MC60 module using Qflash. I was facing to this error when I was loading my .cfg file.
FAIL, Error ROM 4, 0x10000000

I searched a lot and after a long time I finally found how to fix it :slight_smile:
Therefore I write this topic, to help you to fixd it if you have the same problem. :slight_smile:

  1. Open uninstall programs section in control panel.
  2. Check your programs, If you donโ€™t have Microsoft visual C++ 2010 redistributable, download it (if you have a 64 bit system, download both x86 and x64). (I emphasize that even if you have other versions of that, be sure to install the 2010 version as well.)
  3. Install it.
  4. Build your MC60 program again.
  5. Load .cfg file in Qflash
  6. Congratulations, files loaded into Qflash perfectly.
  7. Program your MC60 and enjoy it.

Good luck :wink:

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OK,Thank you very much for your sharing!

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I have tried this way but itโ€™s showing the same issue. any other way to approach it??