Errors when changing operator on EG915U

When I try to select another operator (for test purposes) from the list returned by AT+COPS=?, I either receive CME Error 30 or CME Error 32. For example, using a TIM Group SIM card:

AT+COPS=1,2,“72416”,7 //try to select “BrasilTelecom” LTE

+CME ERROR: Network not allowed emergency calls only


AT+COPS=1,2,“72405”,7 //try to select “Claro” LTE

+CME ERROR: Network not allowed emergency calls only

The same happens if I use a SIM card from other carriers. Do I need to enable roaming on the modem or something before trying to select an different operator?
IFAIK, national-level roaming is enabled by default on all carriers here in Brazil.

Please post the result of your AT+COPS=? command.

*using a VIVO SIM chip


+COPS: (2,“VIVO”,“VIVO”,“72406”,7),(1,“VIVO”,“VIVO”,“72406”,0),(1,“TIMBRASIL”,“TIMBRASIL”,“72404”,7),(1,“BrasilTelecom”,“BrasilTelecom”,“72416”,7),(1,“Claro”,“Claro”,“72405”,7),(1,“BrasilTelecom”,“BrasilTelecom”,“72416”,0),(1,“Claro”,“Claro”,“72405”,0),(1,“TIMBRASIL”,“TIMBRASIL”,“72404”,0),(0-4),(0-2)

Thanks for clarifying.

Both 72416 and 72405 show as being available for roaming on LTE in your result.

I am as puzzled as you are.

Hello, was there any resolution to this problem? I seem to encounter this as well sometimes