Прошу отправить последнюю версию прошивки на EP06-E. Спасибо!
The last firmware version is
Please check it.
firmware has been sent.
Hi, could you please send me also the latest firmware update for EP06-E?
Does this firmware work in Russia?
I heard recent firmware versions block the module functionality without possibility to revert back.
The lastest Quectel firmware cannot work in Russia.
Could you share the latest firmware which does work in Russia, please?
Sorry. We can’t.
Unless it is an old version otherwise it cannot be used in Russia.
What is the latest fw version which works in Russia then?
The new firmware version cannot be downgraded to versions released before
EP06ELAR04A20M4G, otherwise the module will not be able to work normally.
Relevant technical controls have been carried out to restrict normal network registration in regions such as RUS and IRN.
So EP06ELAR04A20M4G is the first version where the restriction were introduced.
Could you share the very latest version before that, which still works in Russia, or at least name it?
(post deleted by author)
Valid only if the module has not had updates from versions starting from EP06ELAR04A20M4G and later one!
Thanks, i have already this version firmware but this version working not correctly with keenetic.
And my mail problem it’s - connecting to IPv4(.
I do not know KeeneticOS,but handling Mikrotik stuff which has a very active community with its own forums…
I think it is a problem of setting dial_up.
The module supports AT+QCFG=?
& AT+QCFG="usbnet"
e.g. AT+QCFG="usbnet",2
MBIM for mikrotik stuff
whereas for kenetik it should be QMI (RMNET)-> AT+QCFG="usbnet",0
as default modem set.
The other ways are
so for an external usb_modem dongle here a tip: