EP06-E over USB identified as 05c6:9008

Dear SiB,
If you need buy some modules from local distributor, please email to sales@quectel.com. Thanks!

I sent 3x e-mail, no response.

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I know it’s it late reply, but when I was having a similar issue, it turned out to be the “cheap” mPCEe to USB adapter. Stay away from sub-$20 adapters, get something in the $25-40 range with at least a 2amp power adapter and make sure that the W_DISABLE# and PERST# lines come already pulled up on the board. Just remember the old adage “You get what you pay for!”
Now, it’s still possible that your somehow got a defected/factory QC rejected unit (some shady dealers resell those), however eliminating the possibility of a flaky adapter is the first step in narrowing down the issues. :wink:

Hi, very good informations. I have the same problem with EM12-G, I read all the instructions, I can’t find information about points, do you know the right points?)

@Egor_reg89 For EM12

Can you please post the same pinout of test points for the RM520N-GL?
Or do I find them in some of the documents for RM520N-GL?