EP06-E on Dell E6410 notebook

Hello everyone,

I’ve bought one EP06-E in order to replace my Novatel E362 Mini PCIe, and strangely it does not show on BIOS or even in device manager. The Novatel works fine, and I’ve tested also a Sierra 3G modem, that does not appear in the BIOS, but appears in the device manager, and after installed drivers, connects and works normally…
A curious thing is: All 3 modems lights on the WWAN indicator on the light panel.

What can be done, for me to be able to use the EP06-E on Dell E6410 Notebook?

Thanks in beforehand,

I would try disabling USB3 on the modem.

It was exactly what I did, and works quite well, some Mikrotik devices also don’t support such ports too, So, maybe it will help someone with Dell devices as well.
