EP06-A no ledmode command

from the EP06_Hardware_Design_V1.2.pdf the section 3.7.4. WWAN_LED_N Signal shows two modes

AT+QCFG=“ledmode”,0 (Default setting)

I sent these commands to my EP06-A module but it doesn’t works



+QCFG: "gprsattach",(0,1)
+QCFG: "nwscanmode",(0-8),(0,1)
+QCFG: "servicedomain",(0,1,2),(0,1)
+QCFG: "roamservice",(1,2,255),(0,1)
+QCFG: "band",(0-200),(0-7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF),(0-7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF),(0,1)
+QCFG: "rrc",(0-4)
+QCFG: "msc",(0-2)
+QCFG: "sgsn",(0-2)
+QCFG: "hsdpacat",(6,8,10-24)
+QCFG: "hsupacat",(5,6)
+QCFG: "pdp/duplicatechk",(0,1)
+QCFG: "usbid",<vid>,<pid>
+QCFG: "usbee",<enable>
+QCFG: "usbnet",<0-2>

And How can I know if my miniPCIE board has the pinout described and the document EP06_Hardware_Design_V1.2 or Quectel_EP06_Series_Hardware_Design_V1.4 ?? Because the v1.4 says pin 42 is NC

my miniPCIE module has the label R2123

Thanks for your query in Quectel forums.
First of all, EP06 does not support AT+QCFG=“ledmode” command. Secondly, if you are not using our EPXX-EVB tool, there is no LED lamp. If you are using our EPXX-EVB development board, D101 and D102 on the development board respectively indicate whether the development board is ready for power supply and EP06 is successfully powered on. There is no need to configure the LED lights of these two power supplies with AT instruction,thanks.

tell me the document related to my EP06-A miniPCIE module, is it EP06_Hardware_Design_V1.2 or EP06_Hardware_Design_V1.4 ?

the bottom side of the PCB has the label R2 123 … Dont say lies okay?