EP06-A Firmware


I need the latest firmware for the EP06-A (USA). I have multiple units for our fleet I need to update. Thank you!

I have sent the latest firmware version to your email, please check


Do you have the latest firmware for EP06-E?

Thank you so much

I have sent the latest firmware version to your email, please check

Hello @herbert.pan-Q ,

Thank you for sending me the firmware!

Can I also have the latest firmware tool too? On the documentation, is recommended V5.5 or above…
I am glad that you have help me! Thank you once again!

Do you know if Quectel will relaunch QNavigator?
Is so nice tool, and I think that Qcom and Qnavigator could be merged, creating a more powerful tool.

Have a great day!

I have sent the QCOM and Qflash to your email, please check

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@herbert.pan-Q Thank you so much! <3 :slight_smile:

I need the latest firmware for the EP06-A. Could you send it to me? Thank you!

I have sent the latest firmware version to your email, please check

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May I also have the newest firmware for the EP06-A? Thank you.

I have sent the latest firmware version to your email, please check

could you please send me the latest firmware for EP06ALAR02A08M4G ?
Thank you in advance

I have sent the latest firmware version to your email, please check