Enable mm-wave on RM530N-GL

I am using the RM530N-GL module in 5G-mmWave-EVB v2.2 and cannot make it connect to 5G NSA. LTE and 5G SA on mid band works fine but no NSA neither on midband or mm-wave. Please share a config that enables NSA and mm-wave.
The firmware revision is: RM530NGLAAR01A02M4G

at+qnwprefcfg=“nr5g_disable_mode” returns 0 but at+qeng=“serving cell” only returns the LTE part. at+qendc returns 1,1,0,1,0

Is there any command that checks the mm-wave antenna part of the module to make sure the QTM panels are working properly? at+qmmwscan only returns “OK”

Please also guide me to the most recent AT Commands Manual for this module. I only have ver 1.2 that seems to miss documentations to some commands (such as qmmwscan)


Dear @beo
Please use AT+QMMWENABLE? to query the status.
Do you know the ENDC combination on your region? I want to check if module support it or not.

Please try to test the latest firmware and check.

Thanks Silvia,

AT+QMMWENABLE? returns 0. What does it mean? I only have version 1.2 of the AT Commands Manual so if there a more recent one available please share.
The band combinations we need are B3+N257, B3+N258, and B28+N257.

Dear @beo
0 means disbale, please use AT+QMMWENABLE=1 to enable and test again.
Due to the document is under process, I can’t share to you.

Hi @silvia. I also have the RM530-gl module and I’m trying to get mmWave to work.
Could you share the latest AT command manual? The version I have doesn’t include the mmWave commands referenced above.
How do I verify that the modem is now connected to the mmWave network after enabling it with the AT+QMMWENABLE=1 command?

Dear @donjoe
5G NR mmWave bands (n257/n258/n260/n261), please confirm use mmwave antenna and register on mmwave bands.

I have RM530N-GL with the 5G mmWave EVB Kit, so the mmWave antenna should be used.

Revision: RM530NGLAAR03A02M4G

The bands are registered using this command

+QNWPREFCFG: "nr5g_band",257:258:260:261

The modem connects to the network on regular non-mmwave 5G bands.
Is something else needed?
My AT Command Guide doesn’t include the mmWave commands like AT+QMMWENABLE. Do you have a newer version?

Dear @donjoe
Sorry, I don’t understand your question. Did this device register on non-mmwave or others?

Currently, no update version。

Hi Silvia. Yes, the device registered successfully on non-mmWave bands.
My question is: could you list the steps/commands needed to configure mmWave properly in standalone or NR-DC mode?

Also, since no updated version of the AT Command manual is available, could you list all the AT commands related to mmWave that are not available in the latest command manual?