Embedding a file (txt or hex) into final code in QuecOpen BC660K?

I want to know if there is a way to embed or access a file (external to the program) into the final build.

I know that there is support for FS, where we can create, and modify files. But if I have a file, and I want to just attach or embed it into my code so that on the run, I can access this file any time, is there a way for this?

Ps. Using BC660K with SDK.
Best Regards.

If the current FS file space is not enough for your needs, I recommend you to get the file via OTA

If you are using the sdk version, we do not have an api for uploading files at this time.
The apis supported by fs are as follows:
Ql_FS_Open() Open or create a file with a specified name.
Read data in a specified file from the position indicated by the file
Write data from a buffer to a specified file and returns the actual
number of written bytes.
Ql_FS_Seek() Reposition the pointer in the previously opened file
Ql_FS_GetFilePosition() Get the current value of the file pointer.
Ql_FS_Flush() Force the remaining data in the file buffer to be written to the file.
Close the file associated with the file handle and makes the file
unavailable for reading or writing.
Ql_FS_GetSize() Get the size of a specified file in bytes.
Ql_FS_Delete() Delete an existing file.
Ql_FS_Check() Check whether the file exists or not.
Ql_FS_GetFreeSpace() Get the free space on the flash.
Ql_FS_GetTotalSpace() Get the total space on the flash.
Ql_FS_Format() Format the flash space.