EM160R failed/bricked - appreciate recovery advice

Hi, I’ve had a failure on my EM 160R recently. It was largely my fault. My module is EM160RGLAP and I found out later that the ‘AP’ means it uses exclusively the PCIe interface and not the USB.
Of course, I executed the command AT+QCFG=“data_interface”,0,0 which attempts to change to the USB interface. When I rebooted the module it was totally unresponsive (which is not surprising, as I told it to change to an interface that it does not have).

On the back of most (all?) Quectel modules there are several small pads to solder diagnostic / test wires to.
I have been sent an image of the use of these pads:


I’ve been told to solder wires to the debug rxd and debug txd pads, and have successfully soldered fine enamelled copper wire. I have got a ttl to usb convertor and connected that using the 1.8v setting, but the module is still unresponsive. (If I loop the convertor it echoes commands in Putty).

I am told if I connect 1.8v to the ‘force_usb_boot’ that may help? But what do I load, and do I use the rxd and txd connections, or the main pins?

Any advice gratefully received!

Any thoughts, please? Help!

to open the firmware download port, you must close 2 contacts, VREG_L6_1P8 end FORCE_USB_BOOT

Hello and thank-you!
By ‘close’, what exactly do you mean?

a) Connect both these contacts to 1.8v?
b) Connect these contacts to ground?
c) Connect them to each other!

Many thanks…

You already answered this yourself last year:

Connect them to each other!

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That didn’t work. The module still did not respond on the TX/RX lines.

But Moby has answered to connect to each other.
The module is unresponsive so I have nothing to loose anyway…

That has nothing to do with TX/RX. The pin is named force_usb_boot not force_uart :wink:
You need to check for new USB devices, you should probably get something with pid 9008.

Uploading: IMG_20240301_221037_011.jpg…
I downloaded the firmware to em12 in this way, port 9008 appears

Thanks… Was your module the PCIe-only version (my module is PCIe only) or USB and PCIe?
And I assume your module was plugged into a M2 to USB (PCIe?) adaptor?

Finally … got around to trying this. Connected fine enamelled Cu wires to VREG_L6_1P8 and FORCE_USB_BOOT. Put the EM160 in an adaptor and powered it up, and connected these two wires together. Nothing happened!

I think the module is totally dead - as it’s a PCI-only module, FORCE_USB_BOOT means nothing as it doesn’t use USB. I think a hardware fuse is blown. Oh well, just don’t issue the command to tell it to use a non-existent USB connection in future…

Hi radiomean, to put in qdl_mode you need qualcomm drivers if not loaded quectel ones and check the com port in d_manager ; you have to use a usb2 adapter because to load the firmware the connection is via usb2 not usb3 althought it is a pci_card.