EM12-G latest documentation request

I updated EM12-G firmware to version EM12GPAR01A20M4G, is there an updated AT commands documentation?
I’m asking for elease notes document tells about AT+QICSGP command I am unable to find in my current documentation PDF.

HI Graziano
Thanks for your query in Quectel forums.
What do you want to do with this command, there may be other commands implementations

Hi Jeffrey,
I don’t have nothing specific in mind for this command, it is just an example of a command not present in AT command documentation I have.
I would like to have the latest documentation to update my knowledge and check if there is anything that could be useful to me

Hi Graziano
Please get it form follow path, it’s up to date, I hope it useful for you, thanks

Hi Jeffrey,
Private customer like me can’t download from Quectel website, infact I always get this message:


Hi Graziano
Yes, you may need to send email sales.support@quectel.com to get support if no permission.

hello Jeffrey,
Where may I get documentation about AT+QCFG="usbnet" command?

and another documentation problem:
sending AT+QCFG=? I get this response:

+QCFG: "gprsattach",(0,1)
+QCFG: "nwscanmode",(0-8),(0,1)
+QCFG: "nwscanseq",(00-0102030405),(0,1)
+QCFG: "servicedomain",(0,1,2),(0,1)
+QCFG: "roamservice",(1,2)
+QCFG: "band",(0-200),(0-7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF),(0-7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF),(0,1)
+QCFG: "rrc",(0-5)
+QCFG: "msc",(0-2)
+QCFG: "sgsn",(0-2)
+QCFG: "hsdpacat",(6,8,10-24)
+QCFG: "hsupacat",(5,6)
+QCFG: "pdp/duplicatechk",(0,1)
+QCFG: "hotswap",(0,1)
+QCFG: "ppp/remoteip",(0,1)
+QCFG: "ledmode",(0,1)
+QCFG: "urc/ri/ring",("off","pulse","always","auto","wave"),(1-2000),(1-10000),(1-10000),("off","on"),(1-5)
+QCFG: "urc/ri/smsincoming",("off","pulse","always"),(1-2000),(1-5)
+QCFG: "urc/ri/other",("off","pulse"),(1-2000),(1-5)
+QCFG: "risignaltype",("respective","physical")
+QCFG: "urc/delay",(0,1)
+QCFG: "cdmaruim",(0,1)
+QCFG: "ltesms/format"[,(0-2)]
+QCFG: "ModemRstLevel",(0,1)
+QCFG: "ApRstLevel",(0,1)
+QCFG: "nwscanmodeex",(1-63)
+QCFG: "ppp/termframe",(0,1)
+QCFG: "ims",<value>,<volte_status>
+QCFG: "pcmclk",(0,1)
+QCFG: "tone/incoming",(0,2)
+QCFG: "sim/recovery",(3-300),(0,5-300),(0,300)
+QCFG: "urc/cache",(0,1)
+QCFG: "thermal/modem"[,<level>,<trig>,<clr>]
+QCFG: "thermal/limit_rates"[,<enable>]
+QCFG: "thermal/txpwrlmt"[,<on_off>,<sensor>,<temp_threshold>,<duration>,<trig_cnt>,<crl_cnt>]
+QCFG: "lte/bandprior",(1-43),(1-43),(1-43)
+QCFG: "vts/async",(0,1)
+QCFG: "urc/ri/pin",("uart_ri","uart_dcd")
+QCFG: "sim/onchip",(0,1)
+QCFG: "powerup/regctl",(0,1)
+QCFG: "sim/clk_freq",(0,1)
+QCFG: "attach/ims",(0,1)
+QCFG: "diversity/config",<0-5>,<0-7>,<0-2>
+QCFG: "usbid",<vid>,<pid>
+QCFG: "usbcfg",<vid>,<pid>,<diag>,<nmea>,<at_port>,<modem>,<rmnet>,<adb>,<uac>
+QCFG: "usbnet",<0-3>
+QCFG: "usbserial",string<1-16>
+QCFG: "sarcfg",<RAT>,<band>,<max_power>,<row_grads>
+QCFG: "gpsdrx",(0,1)
+QCFG: "etws",(0,1)
+QCFG: "dbgctl",(0,1,2)
+QCFG: "fast_dormancy",(0,1,2),(1-65535)
+QCFG: "rf/maxpower",<RAT>,<band>,<max_power>
+QCFG: "sms_control",(0,1),(0,1)
+QCFG: "call_control",(0,1),(0,1)

They are 55 settings, but documentation shows only the following 16 settings :

+QCFG: "gprsattach",(list of supported <attachmode>s)
+QCFG: "nwscanmode",(list of supported <scanmode>s),(list of supported <effect>s)
+QCFG: "roamservice",(list of supported <roammode>s),(list of supported <effect>s)
+QCFG: "servicedomain",(list of supported <service>s),(list of supported <effect>s)
+QCFG: "band",(list of supported <bandval>s),(list ofsupported <ltebandval>s),(list of supported <effect>s)
+QCFG: "hsdpacat",(list of supported <cat>s)
+QCFG: "hsupacat",(list of supported <cat>s)
+QCFG: "rrc",(list of supported <rrcr>s)
+QCFG: "sgsn",(list of supported <sgsnr>s)
+QCFG: "msc",(list of supported <mscr>s)
+QCFG: "pdp/duplicatechk",(list of supported <enable>)
+QCFG: "tdscsq",(list of supported <value>s)
+QCFG: "urc/ri/ring",(list of supported <typeri>s),(list ofsupported <pulseduration>s),(list of supported <activeduration>s),(list of supported <inactiveduration>s),(list ofsupported <ringnodisturbing>s)
+QCFG: "urc/ri/smsincoming",(list of supported <typeri>s),(list of supported <pulseduration>s)
+QCFG: "urc/ri/other",(list of supported <typeri>s),(list of supported <pulseduration>s)
+QCFG: "risignaltype",(list of supported <risignatype>s)+QCFG: "urc/cache",(list of supported <value>s) 

Where may I find the whole settings documentation?

I’d also need documentation for fommand


, that is als not present in EM12 AT command manual


someone have the latest documentation for EM12GPAR01A20M4G ?

miss lots of command…

You need to look through all AT command documentation for each Quectel device, commands are about the same (do at your own risk) , because there is not a cohomprensive doc yet.