I’m trying to use AT+QOPS on a EM05 modem but it says “ERROR”.
What is strange is that when I try the commande AT+QOPSCFG=?, it says ERROR too.
The current firmware on my modem is EM05EFAR06A04M4G.
Is it possible that I don’t have the last update on my modem and it this version, there isn’t any QOPS command ? (Like I saw in the first version of the AT Command document about EM05)
“AT+QOPS” is our custom instruction encapsulated on the basis of AT+COPS,The output is normal only if AT+COPS gets normal results.I recommend that you insert a SIM card to verify this feature.
This one isn’t good, QOPS command is in it and doesn’t work.
I would like to have documentation about QCOPS that is working, but there is no information in this document. (I suppose that you have replaced it by COPS which is more complete)
And there isn’t any information about AT+QCFG neither.
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