EG96 nwscanmode not selecting GSM

Hi All. We are using a EG96 4G European modem to replace a UG95 3G modem. All works fine except we are unable to force the modem to GSM mode in places where the 4G signal is weak or non-existant on the O2 UK network. We have tried using the AT+QCFG=“nwscanmode” command to select GSM only which the modem acknowledges but the selected technology continues to report ‘7’ for LTE. We have also tried AT+QCFG=“nwscanseq” and seleting only GSM, this has the same result. These commands work as expected on the UG95 modules.

Are we doing something wrong, or is ther a better method to force the modem onto the GSM bands only ?

thanks in advance, Keith.